Raffles Beauty

Facial & Beauty Spa

Be Natural,

Be Beautiful,

Be You

Raffles Beauty


A facial and beauty spa, specializing in facial massages, started operating in the year 2016. The business was looking to boost its reputation by increasing the number of customers it served.



We began creating an account in different channels and setting up a campaign funnel for brand awareness, and improving their online presence to retain their existing customers and attract new ones.



Our social media strategies helped them build massive brand awareness, drive qualified traffic to their website, reduce conversion costs, and increase revenue.


“Working with Oxengage is fabulous. Their work is truly creative, constantly has new ideas, the contents meshed with our brand, and people are very professional, pleasant, and easy to work with. With a fast turnaround time, certainly an agency we will recommend and continue to work with!” 

Raffles Beauty

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